Selling The Dream

The Real Scam You've Been Sold

Info-products Are Not Scammy. Your Mindset Is.

I’ve seen a bunch of hate and negativity circling around info products these days. Whether it be courses, communities, checklists, PDFs, E-books, the whole 9 yards. Some get ballsy and say it’s a complete scam.

“Courses are scams”

“He’s just selling the dream”

Or my personal favorite:

“He makes money by teaching others how to make money.”

Yeah, no shit Sherlock Holmes. Everyone wants more money. Even if they lack the courage to admit it.

Complete bullshit. Makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Clearly people don’t value self-educating themselves like i did. What gives? Because the real scam I’ve been spoon-fed my entire life, as i’m sure you have been fed this too, is that I have to:

“Go to college, get a degree, and you’ll be set for life.”

“Find a stable job, work hard, and you’ll retire comfortably.”

“Invest in your 401(k), and one day, you will be financially free.”

What a load of horseshit.

Because this is what actually happens to most people who follow this advise:

  • They take on crippling student loan debt for a deree that doesn’t guarantee a job. (currently the total student loan debt in the U.S. sits at around $1.7 trillion).

  • They get a 9-5 jobs that pays them just enough to survive and take a shit comfortably, but never enough to escape and thrive as humans were meant to achieve(some refer to this as the Golden Handcuffs).

  • They work 40 years, beg for raises, job hop when they don’t get it, and watch their savings get eaten alive by inflation like a 400lb lard ass at the Chinese buffet stuffing his pie-hole with orange chicken.

  • Then, they retire at 65 or even later, too old, tired, and broken to enjoy the life they were promised. Instead, they pop pain pills, high blood pressure medicine, and slowly whither away into dust.

If that doesn’t scream “scam” to you, than i don’t know what does. Because fuck that.

Meanwhile, you see some people on the internet making more money selling an E-book on their profile in one week than most people make in a month with overtime. And, surprise surprise, what do most people do when they see this?

They get angry. Frustrated. Pissed off. Extremely uncomfortable. They scream:

“Scam, he’s just scamming people. This doesn’t work for EvErYoNe.”

No, numbnuts. The real scam was the bullshit path they sold you for half a century.

The one that has you waking up to your iphone alarm, hitting the snooze button 4 times, rushing out the door with coffee breath, driving to a job you despise and sitting in bumper to bumper traffic with others who are following the same exact path as you, and wasting your years making someone else wealthy as fuck.

The guy selling the info-product? The “guru” the Influencer, the Content Creatoooor?

Works a few hours a day online, providing value to those who seek it, and enjoys the rest of his day living however the fuck he damn well pleases. (By the way, if anyone tells you this can’t be done, please know they’re a complete fuckin’ retard who doesn’t understand math, software, or efficiency. They can spin their wheels tirelessly for all i care).

Or she incase you get offended. Keep in mind though, I’m not talking about the ecom wannabes who drive rented lambos and live in Bali (those content creators live in Bali because they can’t fucking afford to live in the most desirable locations in the United States, tells you everything you need to know about them, they don’t make as much as you think). I’m referring to the true digital nomad. The one who makes money online so they can just enjoy their real lives. That’s the life i want, and I’m sure that’s the life you want for yourself as well.

How The Game Really Works

Everything you’ve ever purchased was someone else selling information and ideas.

Think about it:

The self-help book you read? Someone sold it

The gym program you followed? Someone sold it

The expense tracker? Someone sold it

The YouTube tutorial you watched? Someone monetized it

Now let me ask you a serious question. Are the people creating these products “scamming” you?

There are exceptions to the rule, maybe. But smart people do what smart people have always done, package their knowledge and sell it.

If people only sold “free” knowledge, there would be no books, no course, no couching, no education at all. Zero, zilch, nada. The world would be filled with useless idiots because nobody would share their expertise with anyone(we can argue on the whole idiot thing in another newsletter).

The entire economy is built on information and “scarce” resources. And guess what? Most people consume knowledge. The smart ones sell the knowledge.

Why You Need Your Own “Korner Stor”

Every wealthy person owns something.

Jeff Bezos owns Amazon. Elon Musk owns Tesla and Space X. Your boss owns You. Doesn’t matter. Because the difference between the Rich and the Poor is quite simple, even though it’s been argued about for centuries. The poor sell their time in exchange for money. The rich buy assets that pay them back for their time. Big difference. And here’s where info products can change the game for you.

A domain is a digital asset. An online business is a digital asset. Your info products are digital assets. Please find me a more efficient, highly leveraged, and highly profitable asset than an online business that costs you maybe less than $1000 to start and manage. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. I just might die before you find the answer.

For fucks sake, it’s your own little store on the internet that works 24/7. Even when you eat, sleep, shit, travel, out with the family, or telling your boss to go fuck himself.

Here’s how simple some of these creators have made it:

  1. They create a simple PDF guide or course (takes a weekend at best).

  2. Set up a 1 page sales funnel(no tech experience required).

  3. Run simple Meta adds at $5 a day or post content daily organically(do both and you’re really cooking with gas).

  4. watch the sales come in slowly over time

And just like that, you have your very own little money printing machine.

Meanwhile, the one who screamed “courses are scams” is still stuck in traffic on their way to a shitty job. Begging their boss for a raise. And scrolling through twitter not knowing why they’re broke. We know, they’ll blame somebody else first before they ever blame themselves. But that’s not the point I’m trying to get at here.

Don’t even get me started on the whole “reply guy thing” (I’ll save that for another newsletter to if you’d like).

So what’s the silver lining? You have the ability to take action and do something different. The haters never do. They just bitch, and bitch, and bitch bitch bitch.

Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Some Fuckin Money

Alright, let’s cut the shit. People have two options right now.

  1. Ignore the message. Keep working the job and being a reply guy. Keep waiting for the “right time” watching others make money while you keep scrolling.


  1. You take action. Create an info product. Sell it online. Build something that makes money while you sleep. Don’t overcomplicate it.

And before you start with some weak ass excuses like:

“I don’t know what to sell Sheldon” Bullshit. Yes you do. You’ve learned something valuable in life. Package it and sell it to someone who needs that valuable lesson RIGHT NOW. I’ll help you if you ask.

“I don’t have an audience Sheldon” While it helps immensely. You don’t need it right off the bat. People buy solutions and shortcuts, not followers.

“I’m not an expert” You don’t need to be. You just need to know more than the buyer.

So here’s the deal. Over the next few weeks. I’m going to create some of these products myself and show you. Even a step-by-step blueprint. I’ve easily spent almost $10,000 on my self education from some of the best content creators and marketers in the business.

Ones who have been in the game for almost a decade or longer. “Scams” can’t go on that long. Unless you’re Lehman Brothers or Enron. We won’t go there right now. These methods they’ve shared with me and others have led to thousands of student success stories with well over $300 million in sales. That’s from the students, not the content creators and marketers themselves.

Don’t you worry. I’m not going to nickle and dime you. You’ll get this info over time for substantially less than what i paid for and continue to pay for. You are either in, or you’re out. Either you want a better, more stress free way of enjoying your life, or you don’t. It’s your call, always. Let me know if you’re interested. I may even give some of this away for free to my biggest supporters of my work in exchange for an honest, no bullshit testimonial. We’ll see how that turns out.

Until next time,
