Freedom Has A Price Tag

It Pays To Play

The Brutal Truth About Freedom

Most Won’t Admit This.

Let’s grab the fluff out of the pillow for a second. You want freedom. I want freedom. Everyone and their grandmother wants freedom. But very few ever tell you how it happens.

No matter what, Freedom has a price tag. It’s not just something that “happens.” It’s not just something you “manifest”. And it sure as fuck doesn’t come from just “working hard.”

Look, Freedom costs money. Quite a bit of it too. Someone who makes $36,000 a year has a lot less freedom than someone who makes $360,000 a year. And yes, everyone will say it depends on how you manage your money, which I understand. However, you have way less wiggle room and cash flow with lower income. Can you save and invest? Sure. It’s going to take you a long fuckin’ time to reach your financial goals and dream lifestyle this way.

Sad reality, is that most people don’t have this luxury. And, before you start foaming at the mouth yelling, “But money isn’t everything.”

Let me explain something to you. It might just change the way you see your entire life.

The Hidden Cost of Freedom

I’m sure you hear people say this all the time on Social Media.

“I don’t need to be rich, i just want to be free.”


“Family is more important than money.”

They say these things as if they’re above money. Like money is just some silly little game that you don’t have to be a part of playing. And yet,

They still have to wake up to an alarm clock and go to a job they may or may not like. They still have to put in for vacation time, Some may not even get that privilege. And they still have rent or a mortgage, bills to pay, mouths to feed, and even debt in many cases.

But hey, at least they don’t “need” money, right?

At least they have their family to depend on, right?


You know the truth:

The less money you have, the fewer choices you can make to better yourself. Can’t stand your job? Too bad. You have to keep working to pay the bills.

Hate where you live? Sucks to be you. You may have to move back in with parents or live with friends. I know many who make decent money and still have to live with their parents for the time being.

Want to travel the world? Not happening. Unless you have a credit card with travel points that can be paid off every month or a nice vacation fund built up, You’re going nowhere.

More money = more options. More time. More freedom.

Less or No money = less options. Less freedom. Your time is controlled by your paycheck.

And if you don’t solve it, you’ll spend your entire life on a fuckin’ hampster wheel that never stops spinning.

The Price Tag of REAL Freedom

Let’s do some simple math.

Say you want a life where you never have to work a job again. You have the ability to travel and/or live wherever the fuck you damn well please. You never have to worry about your bills again. How much does that actually cost you?

Well, let’s see:

$5K/month? That’s survival. Barely scraping by. The amount you put towards savings and investments is absolutely abysmal.

$10K/month? That’s okay. You can live a pretty decent life in some areas. Not the best areas of course. It can give you some wiggle room.

$30K/month? Now you’re getting somewhere. Much more wiggle room. Much more freedom. You’re savings and investment amounts are much fatter. Talk about piece of mind.

Because real freedom isn’t just about covering your bills. It’s about choices.

It’s about getting to pick where you live (instead of being forced to live or stay somewhere cheap)

It’s about choosing who you work with (instead of kissing ass just to keep a job).

And it’s about waking up every day and saying, “What do I want to do today? Whatever the fuck I want.”

I don’t know about you, but that’s a life worth paying some coin for.

The only question is:

“How the fuck am I going to pay for it?”

The longer you put this off, the worse it’s going to be for you.

How to Buy Your Freedom(Even If You’re Broke)

Most people seem to think money buys freedom.

Jim Carrey Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor


It’s more than that. It’s income that buys freedom. Your Income determines your outcome. It’s what pays for everything.

So if you want to actually break free, here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Income that covers ALL of your expenses (So you never stress again).

  2. Income that doesn’t require you to WORK (income independent of a boss or a job)

  3. Income that grows over time (So you get richer, not poorer).

Did you notice a few things?

A job doesn’t do ANY of these things rather well.

A Job:

  1. Stops paying when you stop working. You better have paid PTO built up.

  2. Puts a cap on what you can earn in the overwhelming majority of cases.

  3. Keeps you tied to a schedule you have no control over.

A job is quite the OPPOSITE of freedom(Some use JOB as an acronym for Just Over Broke).

Which means if you actually want to escape a rats nest like that, you need to do something a bit different.

That’s why I’m betting everything on an online business and why I talk about it so much.

Not because i want to be some “entrepreneur”. I’m already a contractor by day.

Not because i want to post some fuckin motivational quotes on Instagram.

But because an online business is the only real path to freedom at this point.

The Fastest Path to a Life you Actually Want

Let’s be honest with each other here.

If you spend the next 10 years or so at your job, things may change and they may not. You might dabble in some side hustles, but again, nothing really changes. And worse, If you keep “waiting for the right time,” nothing will change either. You’ll let every opportunity pass you by.

The best and only way out is through a teeny tiny little online business that:

  1. Makes money while you sleep (so you can escape your job).

  2. Has efficient systems in place(so you can make the money without actually working too hard).

  3. Allows you to invest your money at bigger amounts (so your income and net worth can keep going up on it’s own).

It’s low risk. I mean, for fucks sake it costs damn near nothing to start. It has very high reward because you have access to billions of people through social media. And it’s simple as hell. Make products or provide services, make content around it, and send some fuckin emails.

That way you can work anywhere, make money even when you’re enjoying a night cap at your favorite hide out, and make more in a month than you’re boss makes in a year(in due time, 6-12 months at best). I bet you’ll enjoy your life way more than he/she does.

It’s the most proven way to live a financially abundant life, and I’d be damned if i was convinced otherwise.

It Pays to Play

I want you to really, really think about this.

Imagine it’s 5 years from now.

You’re still at your job. You’re still waking up to an alarm clock. You’re still checking your bank balance and investment portfolio before every purchase.

How does that feel? Pretty fuckin’ disempowering if you ask me. If it makes you feel sick, then good. You’re in the right place. Because truth be told, it doesn’t have to be this way. You know this to be true. You know there’s a better way. You know there’s a proven roadmap. And there’s nothing stopping you. Except you of course. And all of the excuses and objections you give yourself. Or all of the bullshit everyone else tells you.

Here’s what I want from you. I want you to decide that you’re done feeling this way. I want you to start a damn online business(even if it’s just a newsletter starting out, I’m having way too much fun with this as you can see). Buy your freedom before life forces you to, please.

You can keep waiting. Or you can start today.

Either way, time keeps ticking. And you know it is.

Until Next Time,
